2024年1月8-9日 19:00-21:30
什么是能量净化? 能量净化(Shakti Kriya)是一种瑜伽净化术,它可以让我们连接并利用我们体内休眠的巨大能量储备-“prana”或“kundalini shakti”,即“生命能量或昆达里尼能量”。此技术对神经系统和我们的精微身体具有十分深度的净化作用,它还可以帮助人们进一步深入净化呼吸法和静心的练习。 能量净化与净化呼吸法并不相同。在净化呼吸法中,呼吸用于进入内在韵律并挖掘内在能量。然而,在能量净化中,我们用整个身体来连接我们内心深处的韵律。能量净化帮助我们恢复在家练习的活力并更加深潜于本我之中。 WHAT IS SHAKTI KRIYA? Shakti Kriya is a purifying yogic technique that allows one to connect with and tap into the vast reserve of energy that lies dormant within us, known as ‘prana’ or ‘kundalini shakti’, the ‘life-force energy’. This technique has profound purifying effects on the nervous system and our subtle body, and it can also help one to further one’s Sudarshan Kriya and meditation practice. Shakti Kriya is not similar to Sudarshan Kriya; it is a different technique altogether. In Sudarshan Kriya, the breath is used to access an inner rhythm and tap into an inner energy. However, in Shakti Kriya we use the whole body to get in touch with the deeper innate rhythm within us. The Shakti Kriya helps us to rejuvenate our home practises and dive deeper into the self. 课程资格 除了须上过至少一次生活艺术的快乐课程及静默课程(高级课程)以外,学员还须身心强健,因为能量净化课程需要从事一些肢体活动。 费用: 知识费:¥2000 点击页末立即报名 课程群内发布支付链接 Charge: Knowledge Fee:¥2000 Click the bottom of the page to register now Miscellaneous charges: ¥250 Payment link will be announced in the course Wechat group
具有以下健康状况的人 (不仅限于以下状况)不适合参加能量净化课程:
4. 正在接受精神科医师、心理咨询师或心理治疗师的疗程的患者
5. 孕妇
6. 生理期的女士
杂费: ¥250
能量净化(Shakti Kriya)是一种瑜伽净化术,它可以让我们连接并利用我们体内休眠的巨大能量储备-“prana”或“kundalini shakti”,即“生命能量或昆达里尼能量”。此技术对神经系统和我们的精微身体具有十分深度的净化作用,它还可以帮助人们进一步深入净化呼吸法和静心的练习。
Shakti Kriya is a purifying yogic technique that allows one to connect with and tap into the vast reserve of energy that lies dormant within us, known as ‘prana’ or ‘kundalini shakti’, the ‘life-force energy’. This technique has profound purifying effects on the nervous system and our subtle body, and it can also help one to further one’s Sudarshan Kriya and meditation practice.
Shakti Kriya is not similar to Sudarshan Kriya; it is a different technique altogether. In Sudarshan Kriya, the breath is used to access an inner rhythm and tap into an inner energy.
However, in Shakti Kriya we use the whole body to get in touch with the deeper innate rhythm within us. The Shakti Kriya helps us to rejuvenate our home practises and dive deeper into the self.
具有以下健康状况的人 (不仅限于以下状况)不适合参加能量净化课程:
4. 正在接受精神科医师、心理咨询师或心理治疗师的疗程的患者
5. 孕妇
6. 生理期的女士